About this site
Lior Colina is a prospective dental school student with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology with a concentration in Neuroscience. In his free time, he entertains many hobbies ranging from reading books to attempting to master many eSports titles, from throwing disc shaped objects to racing virtual cars.
This site shall serve as an avenue to explore new ideas in a public forum space, allowing for easy organization and discussion of thoughts with others.
In the quest of conquering the ranked ladder on different eSports titles, occasionally exceptional moments of excellence stand out and are immortalized in a clip to be shared with the world. Here you shall find a comprehensive collection of many moments of extreme joy and excitement, may they bring you a fraction of the joy they brought me.
Here you may find various written works of various topics of interest. The goal being to publish at least one article per week, to maintain an ability to write critically. The plan being to do some extensive research on each topic prior to writing, and trying to teach something to the audience that I learned.
Films are an incredible medium to communicate powerful stories to audiences around the world. The best film can be viewed by many and understood by few. To understand, even, should never be the goal of movies. Instead, may movies allow you to feel, and may you hold onto that feeling for as long as you can recall the film. Here you may find my very own feelings towards to some movies as I attempt to split up my feelings into non-spoiler and spoiler sections of analysis.